
What Kind of Parent are You?

goodparenting #peacefulparenting #parentingthroughrelationships
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Some of What You’ll Hear

For many years now, the experts have messed with parenting. They have given us conflicting techniques to raise our children from different messages of nursing, sleeping, proper playtime, whatever proper means timeouts, no timeout spanking, no spanking.

By focusing on what you should and shouldn’t do to raise your children, the experts have systematically taken away the confidence of parents and replaced it with chaos in the home where the feelings of the child rules the roost.

Good parenting isn’t about techniques. Rather it is about relationships.

Identifying what kind of adults you want your children to be, then raising them to meet those expectations.

It’s about saying no with love, and firmness. good parenting is about taking your role seriously.

What is your parenting style?

Check your mindset. It controls every aspect of your parenting.

What kind of parent do you want to be? What kind of children do you need to have to have a happy, cheerful fun home?

Your child needs you to be the parent that respects and loves them and expects them to respect and love you. Your child needs you to be the parent who takes the responsibility to teach them to be self-disciplined with routines in the home that foster a positive rhythm.

I can assure you without hesitation children need and depend on your guidance. Not your unlimited control. Your guidance.

Parenting is not without its hard times. But your children should bring you joy.

Is your parenting style your own worst enemy? Are you creating children who are not joyful, happy children because you’re not taking the lead?

Take a minute today to remind yourself what kind of parent you want to be and need to be. Engage with your children. Hug them, kiss them, and look them in the eyes and tell them that you love them.

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