Home Management Homemaking 101

Practical Steps to Achieve Order in Your Home

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Resources: Download HERE your free PDF Guide to Create an Orderly Home

Some Points You’ll Hear in This Episode

This episode is about HOW to keep and maintain a clean, orderly home.

The first take away I want you to have is that what works for me and Suzie Q to keep have a clean home, may not work for you.

I’ll give you some options for cleaning schedules and declutter schedules for your home, but you’ll have to take some time – and you don’t NOT have time to work on a daily schedule that will change the tone of your home – take some time, look through the options in the download. 

Let’s skip the big deep cleaning for now that we do seasonally or yearly.

It’s important to realize that ordered and clean are two different routines.

              Order – everything has a place and everything is in its place

              Clean – well…clean

Remember, it took time to establish the routines that AREN’T working for you, it will take time to establish routines that DO work for you. 

                     Take it one day at a time

                     Seek progress not perfection

Know that you’re going to have to enforce the new cleaning routine quite a bit before everyone gets onboard.  If you have small children, you’ll need to work with them as you teach them these new routines, and you’ll have to remind them at points in the day to complete their routine.

If this is going to be a dramatic change to the way things have been, it would be a good idea to talk with your husband about the changes you want to make, why you want to make them, and where he fits in.  It’s a matter of justice.

The Biggest Source of Stress

The biggest source of stress regarding order in our home is that we don’t stay on top of it daily – with proven routines that are enforced every day.

Your why informs your mindset.  If you aren’t committed to the positive results of keeping an orderly, clean home, you won’t keep an orderly clean home.

If I have the mindset that I don’t THINK I can run a marathon, I never will.  AND BTW, I don’t think I can, so I know that’s not ever going to happen!

But if I am convinced that less clutter and a clean home will free my mind from stress and yelling at the kids all the time to pick up and give me an environment that will nurture me and my family, I will make the sacrifice to do it.

Now, if you’ve lived in a home that hasn’t had a cleaning/decluttering schedule in so long, you may have forgotten how much better it feels to have a chaos free home.

So if you can’t believe that it will be a game changer in your home, then at least WANT to believe.

Order Won’t Happen Overnight – Be Patient and Consistent

Give yourself a month, working a little every day, delegating responsibilities every day and see if you feel better and there is improvement in your home.

Order and cleanliness is a vicious cycle – the more we have the harder it is to keep order, the more overwhelming cleaning becomes

Some people prefer to begin with implementing daily and weekly cleaning schedules – that’s their pain point.

Others couldn’t find the countertop if their life depended on it, so they need to declutter first.

Both decluttering and cleaning should be done on a regular basis.

Decide which routine you want to tackle first, then once you feel like you have that down, begin adding in the 2nd routine.

       Once I feel like the daily and weekly cleaning schedule is easy, I can begin decluttering a little at a time.


For more, please listen and enjoy the podcast! Don’t forget to DOWNLOAD the PDF to help you establish a routine in your home!

  • Reply
    2021 at 10:37 PM

    I love this!

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