Mindset Self Care

Choosing Your Attitude

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What You’ll Hear:

Victor Frankl was a noted author, psychiatrist and most importantly a Holocaust survivor.

Hi pregnant wife was killed in a concentration camp.

His mother, father, and brother were also killed in concentration camps.

From his experiences in Auschwitz, and the loss of his family, he learned what the primary purpose of life was – a search for meaning which sustained those who survived.

In his book, “Man’s Search for Meaning” he writes:

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

Choosing Your Attitude

Everyday you have the opportunity to choose your own attitude – to choose your own way.

Will your attitude be one of overwhelm or loving service?

What if you give people the benefit of the doubt rather than hold on to resentments?

Are your children a burden or a joy to you?

WE control our feelings through our thoughts.

What is your attitude about your circumstances? What are your thoughts about the way you will show up today?

You Hold the Power

You have the power to have the life you want.

It is the last human freedom – to choose your attitude about your circumstances.

Choose joy and patience.

Be nurturing to those around you, rather than fostering discontent and a lack of charity.

Choose your attitude and choose peace.

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