
Self Care

Faith Life Marriage Parenting Self Care

Don’t Deny Your Genius

What You’ll Find in This Episode Have you always wanted to be a genius? Guess what? In 1995, Pope St. John Paul the II identified women as possessing the feminine genius Not in the,”I can figure out that Rubix cube in 30 seconds” type of genius But in the peculiar, distinctive, or identifying character or spirit kind of way. It is in the very nature of who we…

Faith Life Self Care

The Spirit of Detachment

What You’ll Hear in This Episode: Have you heard the phrase, “You can’t take it with you?” It reminds us clearly that what we sometimes think is important in life – our family, friends, possessions, status, what we did yesterday or what we’ll do tomorrow is in the end not important. Detachment means separating from or withdrawing from something. The spirit of detachment doesn’t mean that we don’t…

Home Management Homemaking 101 Mindset Self Care

What is the One Thing?

acquiring habits #habitbuilder #cleaninghabits

What You’ll Hear: What is the one thing you must do today to make today feel like a success? Is it get through the day without giving into impatience? Is it 15 minutes of prayer that you always seem to put off? Is it following through with cleanup after meals? Or turning around and making your bed as soon as you get out of it? We try to…

Mindset Self Care

Choosing Your Attitude

What You’ll Hear: Victor Frankl was a noted author, psychiatrist and most importantly a Holocaust survivor. Hi pregnant wife was killed in a concentration camp. His mother, father, and brother were also killed in concentration camps. From his experiences in Auschwitz, and the loss of his family, he learned what the primary purpose of life was – a search for meaning which sustained those who survived. In his…

Mindset Parenting

How Do We Make Our Children Feel?

Children and emotions #whatwesaytokids

What You’ll Hear: Children are so vulnerable.  We forget that they aren’t adults and they don’t hear things as adults nor process our words as maybe an adult might. What we say communicates our thoughts to our children.  They believe those thoughts mainly because they haven’t had enough experience nor maturity to disbelieve them. When we say things like, “I can’t believe you screwed that up again!” What’s…

Faith Life Mindset Parenting Self Care

Mindset: You Are Enough

mom not feeling enough #motherhoodmindest #youareenough

What You’ll Hear in This Episode Do you struggle with not being enough? Do you think you’re not kind enough, pretty enough, smart enough, or just not good enough? Somewhere along the way someone or maybe many people felt free to tell us we were not enough. And we believed them. When you have marital issues, is your thought, “I’m not a good enough wife?” Do you think,…

Faith Life Home Management Marriage Mindset Parenting

Persistence Not Perfection

perfectionism #persistencenotperfection

What You’ll Hear For all you perfectionists out there (me included)….this one is for you. And for all you out there who are bugged by perfectionists, I think you’re going to like this reflection as well. Whether we’re talking about weight loss, house-keeping, long term marriage, discipline of our children, or even our prayer life, The key to success is persistence not perfection. We all know, at some…

Faith Life Self Care

Daily Sufferings

In this episode: I love Lent. That may sound strange, but there’s never a time in the year where I feel more connected with Jesus and His life. I think it’s because during these 40 days we really reflect on who Jesus is – as man and God. It’s a great idea to read the New Testament a little bit every day.  To hear the many stories about…

Mindset Parenting Self Care

Solving the Problem of Overwhelm

What You’ll Hear: Have you ever noticed that you can always make time for what you really want to do, but when you don’t want to do something you say, “I don’t have enough time?” Like sitting down for 15 minutes and reading a book to your children. Do you take time to make plans for you and your husband to actually go out, without children, and enjoy…

Mindset Self Care

Watch Your Self-Talk

What You’ll Hear in This Episode Do you ever talk to yourself? Not like the you’re losing your mind and you think someone else is there talking to yourself. But really engaging with yourself and what you think and say about yourself. Self-talk is actually something we’ve done, unconsciously for most of our lives. And for most of us, the “unconscious” part is where the trouble can brew.…