Home Management Homemaking 101 Mindset Self Care

What is the One Thing?

acquiring habits #habitbuilder #cleaninghabits
Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcher

What You’ll Hear:

What is the one thing you must do today to make today feel like a success?

Is it get through the day without giving into impatience?

Is it 15 minutes of prayer that you always seem to put off?

Is it following through with cleanup after meals?

Or turning around and making your bed as soon as you get out of it?

We try to do EVERYTHING everyday and often that leaves us with getting nothing done because we’ve given into the feeling of overwhelm, and procrastinated the day away.

The night before each day decide what your one thing is for the next day.

Write it down – that’s super important.

Then make sure you get that one thing done, check it off and smile.  High five your inner self!

When you’ve mastered that one thing, it becomes a habit and you can decide on another one thing while you continue the first.

Acquiring Habits

Habits are acquired one day at a time, one habit at a time.

Don’t try to do everything and be practically perfect in every way.

Trust me….I’ve tried that…it doesn’t work.

Start with one thing.

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