Marriage Parenting

Words Matter

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What You’ll Hear

Although St. Mother Teresa was a quiet nun living in a community of other sisters in the middle of the poorest of the poor of Calcutta India, she had an amazing amount of wisdom for the family.

One piece of advice is so simple and yet so powerful.

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”

Words Matter – So Does How We Say Something

It’s easy to give in to an impatient tone when we speak to our husband or children.

Often, we say something before we think about how it will come across. But you can’t take back harsh unkind words. You can certainly apologize – and that helps

But the words are still out there lodged in our memory.

Many people remember critical comments or judgments said to them when they were very young by their parents.  And for some, they’ve allowed those unkind comments or criticisms to define them.

Let’s stop and breathe and think before we speak.

Our words can build up or demoralize those we live with.

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.

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