In the blogging business, we’re always looking for ways to solve practical, tangible problems our audience may be dealing with. While I try to do that with posts like DECLUTTERING, FREEZER MEALS, TEACHING CHILDREN ORDERLINESS, and HOMESCHOOLING, there seems to be a more urgent topic that I think needs to be addressed with these stay-at-home orders. What does mom need?
As if motherhood and all that is included in THAT job description wasn’t enough, now so many moms are called upon to be teachers at home, as well.
Hopefully, you’ve downloaded my simple schedule to help with the order of the day, and if you haven’t yet purchased my more comprehensive guide of how to actually run a home while also being responsible for your children’s education HERE IT IS. There is plenty of practical advice in those 35 pages to get you through the rest of the school year.
Inner Peace
But the need I want to address is what does your soul need? What does that part of you that may be anxious, tired, worried, overwhelmed, or unhappy need? It isn’t a chart. It isn’t necessarily a schedule. And much as I find this hard to say, it isn’t even chocolate.
What really supports and refreshes a mother, what calms her fears, gives her strength, and keeps her interior life (our mind and soul) is inner peace. There is a lie out there that says we can create inner peace by ourselves. We can’t. Inner peace only comes from God.
My soul rests in God alone, from whom comes my salvation. God alone is my rock and salvation,
Psalm 62:2-3
my fortress; I shall never fall.
The noise and activities and ‘busyness’ of our lives have filled the spaces of our life to overflowing. Little by little we added things to take up time/space/attention. Maybe before this Covid-19 scare we didn’t realize that we were filled to the brim. So many young moms speak about being anxious, stressed or unhappy – could that be because there isn’t interior peace?
Are our lives filled with so much stuff, that we’ve pushed out the one thing that will actually give us all that we seek in exterior things?
“Our Hearts are Restless Until They Rest in You, O Lord”
St. Augustine
What We’re All Really Looking For
Could this be the bright spot of this terrible virus and complete life altering living we’re experiencing? Is it possible that the one thing we really need – the one thing we’ve always needed but have just forgotten how much – can now be discovered?
God doesn’t compete with the noise and the activities in our life.
He waits in the silence.
He doesn’t force a relationship with us.
He just waits in the silence for us to come to Him.
Find the silence.
Make time for silence, then embrace the silence.
Bring to him your worries, your fears, and your overwhelm and ask Him to fix it.
Commit to 10 and Watch it Change Your Life
Spend 10 minutes alone in silence every day – even if it’s sitting on edge of the bathtub – and speak to Him like you’d speak to your best friend.
Complain to Him, cry to him, thank Him for even the smallest good thing of the day.
Ask Him to give you the strength you need to get through the day, and the next, and the next.
Then trust there is a God who breathed you into existence and loves you more than you love those little children.
In most of the miracles of the bible, Jesus needed to be asked. And He was rarely asked that He didn’t give.
God is the answer to ALL your needs. He will bring you peace. He won’t come with a chart or checklist to make you into the perfect mom. He will come in the silence – to love you, support you, and give you peace and strength.
All He asks is that you seek Him in the silence.
With my prayers for you and your family –
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