Mindset Self Care

Watch Your Self-Talk

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What You’ll Hear in This Episode

Do you ever talk to yourself?

Not like the you’re losing your mind and you think someone else is there talking to yourself.

But really engaging with yourself and what you think and say about yourself.

Self-talk is actually something we’ve done, unconsciously for most of our lives.

And for most of us, the “unconscious” part is where the trouble can brew.

Many people are very good at identifying their faults and their self-talk constantly reminds them of their faults, their failings and all the ways they aren’t good enough, pretty enough, thin enough or a good mother or wife.

While it’s true that we all have areas we can improve in, negative self-talk stops any forward movement in becoming more and more who God create us to be.

Negative self-talk creates thoughts that we believe.

Negative Self-Talk is Usually Not True

And the more we engage in negative self-talk about all our perceived faults and failings, the more we’ll believe those thoughts whether they are true or not.

I remember when I was in college and I thought I was fat.  Every time I got dressed up to go out, all I could hear in my brain was how fat I was and then my brain would move to how I would never find a husband because I was so fat and my life would never be what I hoped it would be all because I was fat.  I was 135 lbs at 5’6”.  I wish I was THAT fat now!

Or how about whether or not you’re smart? 

I never liked math or science or all the things that smart kids liked.

So I thought I wasn’t smart.

I’m not a genius, but it wasn’t until I homeschooled my children that I realized that I’m definitely smart enough for this world.

In the past few years, I’ve seen how important self-talk is to people.

We believe what we say to ourselves.

But usually what we say is a lie.

Being conscious of our self-talk and calling ourselves out when it is negative is really important.

I’ve mentioned before that our thoughts create our feelings which in turn create our actions and results.

If we don’t love ourselves, believe in ourselves, and encourage ourselves – we won’t believe others when they try to do it for us.

How to Have a Mindset Shift

The first step in any mindset shift is positive self-talk.

Be kind to yourself.

You’re not perfect – no one is.

But you are made in the image and likeness of God and you have gifts and talents that the world and your family is waiting for.

Don’t let negative self-talk keep you down in discouragement or negativity.

Tell yourself, many times a day, “I am a good woman with many talents and gifts.  Then name some so you hear yourself identify them.  Say to yourself, “I can do this – whatever this is, then act on it.”

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