
The Quarterly Sprint

setting goals #quarterlysprint
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What You’ll Hear in This Episode

In the business world there’s a mindset shift to quarterly sprints – some call it the 90-day year.

Basically, you break the year into 4 quarters and concentrate on each quarter as if it is the whole year. You make quarterly goals and spend the 3 months of that quarter just focusing on achieving those goals.

When you focus for 3 months rather than a year, you have a sense of urgency that helps achieve the goals.

I have been using this system in my personal life as well as my business since January and have been amazed at the results. I lost 10 of the 15 lbs I have tried to lose for years. I published over 70 podcast episodes rather than the original 16 I had originally planned for the year. And in my home, I’ve cleaned out my closet getting rid of a lot of clothes I no longer wear nor want, and I reorganized a few other parts of our home that have needed attention for a long time.

Better to Begin than Wait

April began the 2nd quarter so it isn’t too late for you to begin this concept in your life.

Take a few minutes and make 3 quarterly goals for yourself for this 2nd quarter of the year.

Depending on the goals, you will need to create daily or weekly goals – incremental steps – towards completing your quarterly goal.

Just identifying the goal obviously isn’t enough.

Create Smaller Steps That Work Toward the Goal

You need to make smaller easily achievable goals or steps that work towards achieving the quarterly goal.

Focusing on just 3 months as opposed to a New Year’s resolution, makes the goal much more achievable in our mind. Once our mind is engaged and believes we can accomplish the goal, there’s momentum behind our efforts.

Try the quarterly sprint goals for your home management, your food prep, and your personal development.

You’ll be amazed at how easy success comes!

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