Home Management Parenting

The Joy of Delegating

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What You’ll Hear

I’d like to suggest that today you make the decision that you can’t and shouldn’t do it all and that delegating chores to your children will change the tone of your home.

Your home should not depend only on you to keep it running smoothly.

We do a great disservice to our children if we don’t help them understand very early in their life, that they have a responsibility to contribute to the upkeep of the home.

As mothers, we can’t and shouldn’t take on the responsibility for everything.

The Usual Arguments Against Delegating

“But wait” you say, “my kids aren’t old enough to clean or keep order, my kids don’t know how to clean a toilet or change the sheets on their bed or do their own laundry.

I’m here to tell you they can and it’s worth the effort to teach them. AND I have an age-appropriate chore chart that you can download that will tell you when they are old enough. 

When we give responsibilities to our children, we help them become more confident and more responsible.

We are raising adults here, not big children.

And teaching cleaning skills and being responsible with their space and the home is CRITICAL in raising adults.

When my son was a senior in high school, they had a small class meeting where kids thanked their parents for things.

One kid – and 18 yr old almost man – thanked his mom for making his lunch every day for 18 years.

My son was like, “WHAT????  Moms do that??”  He had been making his own lunch since he was about 6.

Not Easy, but Necessary!

 Is it easy to teach your children to take responsibility for themselves, their space, and their home?

It doesn’t really matter if it’s easy – no, it’s not.  Sometimes it’s a pain in the neck with reminders and consequences if the chores don’t get done or the room is not kept clean.

But it is essential!

When I was raising my large brood, The week-ends for us consisted of Friday jobs and Saturday bedroom cleanups.

We had a rotating schedule so everyone knew what they were responsible for.

Saturdays they changed the sheets on their bed and picked up their room/vacuumed/dusted.

Did it happen perfectly every week-end?


But ALL my adult kids know how to keep a home – and whenever we visit it’s clean so that’s a win!

COMMIT to making your life easier and more enjoyable by delegating.  It’s good for your kids and good for you.

You’ll find the Age-appropriate chore chart in my PDF download “How to Have an Orderly Clean Home” at


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