Faith Life

Spring Cleaning For Your Soul

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Last week-end, I cleaned out my closet.

It’s something that truthfully I’ve been thinking of doing for, well, a couple of years (ok, maybe more)

It’s out of sight out of mind so I never remember that I actually need to do it until it’s early in the morning when I’ve already begun my todo list – and it’s not on it.

Or late in the evening when I’m going to bed.

And yet, that closet brought me down every time I opened the door.

It brought me down so much that I actually wanted to do it (step1) but didn’t make it a priority.  Until this past week-end.

Every time I opened the door I saw:

Clutter in the Closet/Clutter in the Soul

Too much stuff

Clothes I never wore any more

Clothes I didn’t even like

Clothes that were too old and I seriously shouldn’t be wearing them in public.

Clothes that I was saving for when I could fit into them again – and now that I’m getting pretty close to that – they’re out of style.

Shoes that were old and really needed to be replaced.

Shoes that had been replaced but keeping the old ones “just in case” for what I’m not sure.

A cello that needs a different place to live.

A santa suit that should be hung more efficiently. 

And my daughter’s wedding dress which was destroyed the night of her wedding because she was having too much fun dancing on the deck outside after her husband accidently dropped the cake down the silk satin skirt.

Here it is in my closet because I made it and I love it and it reminds me of what a beautiful woman my first baby is growing into.

The State of Your Closet

St Josemaria says that you can tell a great deal about the state of one’s soul by looking in her closet.

And I think that’s true.

Like my closet, there’s a lot of clutter in my soul.

Clutter of worry about the past and the future

Clutter because I allow it in there and don’t stay on top of cleaning it out.

And the all too often opening and closing of my closet door out of routine.  I’m not really taking the time to dive deep into conversation with God and look at the gifts I have been given while also clearing out the habits and thoughts that don’t serve me– which can easily happen in our prayer life.

Time to Spring Clean Your Soul

What does your closet look like?

What does your prayer life look like?

Is it time for some spring cleaning?

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