Mindset Parenting Self Care

Reimagine Your Motherhood

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You can find the “Reimagine Your Motherhood” workbook discussed in this episode HERE.

This Sunday, we’re celebrating Mother’s Day here in the United States.

And instead of hoping and praying that our family members remember and do something nice for us – I hope they do – let’s stop and reflect on who we are as mothers.

When we think of our motherhood there are all kinds of emotions that come up

  • Joy
  • Anxiety
  • Guilt maybe shame
  • Exhaustion
  • Happiness
  • Overwhelm

Experiencing all those emotions is the human condition – there’s nothing wrong with you if you feel inadequate, exhausted or overwhelmed sometimes – our brain is very good at pointing out our faults and failings.

But so many moms get stuck in the negative – it becomes that tape that plays over and over again in their heads.

The thoughts: This is hard.  I’m so overwhelmed I don’t even enjoy my children.  I don’t know how to keep a home clean come up easily and often.

As an older mom, it makes me angry that social media has created the “hot mess mom” syndrome as if it’s cool or worse, inevitable.

When I was a young mom there was no such thing.  Yes, some moms seemed to have it all together and others struggled.  But without the constant drumbeat in our brains from social media, we all just did the best we could, and women didn’t compare themselves to others so much.  We just did our best.

Have we deliberately lowered the bar so much that we’ve lost the dignity of motherhood?

Well…yes…and no.

The dignity of motherhood will always be a truth, but we’ve adopted negative limiting thoughts about who we are able to be as mothers, and what we’re able to accomplish.

Your mindset – what you think – is the #1 influence for your life.

So many women live as the victim of their life. 

They get stuck in what they perceive are the truths of their life – their circumstances – rather than deciding HOW they want to think about their life and circumstances.

We’ve given the very essence of our human power away –

       The ability to choose our thoughts that serve us.

Living a life with intention – deciding how you want to show up – is the most important component to a happy, fulfilled life.

For Mother’s Day this year, I’d like to propose that you give a gift to yourself.

Decide what kind of mother you want to be and how you want your motherhood to manifest itself.

Do you want one of guilt, stress, and full of negativity or do you want one that may be hard and challenging but also peaceful and joyful?

Do you want to keep living a life that is 15 minutes late for everything or one where you respect your time in your day living with calm?

Do you want a home that serves your family with a calm, ordered space, or one that creates stress in your brain the minute you walk in the door?

Here’s the good news and the secret that social media doesn’t tell you.

You get to decide what kind of motherhood you want.

If you’re not living the dream then it’s time to write a new story.

You Can Reimagine Motherhood for Your Life.

You can choose the thoughts that serve you, encourage you and uplift you, rather than the thoughts that convict you of your faults, failings, and struggles.

If, at your core, you’re not happy with the life you’re living in your motherhood, you can change it

       by changing your thoughts about it.

We get stuck in our negative thoughts about the people around us and the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

And our brain tells us, “Well, too bad…this is the hand you were dealt and there’s no changing it.”

Because our brains are comfortable – and change is not.

There’s no Denying Motherhood is Hard.

Daily life is a balance between acquiring and implementing the practical tools to raise our family and keep our home clean

 AND the mindset that gives us the motivation to do those things.

Attending to our mindset helps us approach our daily lives feeling empowered, strong, decisive, and with a deep inner peace and joy.

I want to help you with that mindset.  It’s a game changer for everyone.

So whether you’re a woman who is looking forward to marriage and motherhood, a young mom with children running around or an older mom with grandchildren coming in and out of your home,

attending to your mindset helps you show up to be the woman God has called you to be.

If you go to findingjoyinmotherhood.com/workbook you’ll find the Reimagine Motherhood Workbook.

In it you’ll find questions that help you reflect on who you have been and who you want to be, how you show up as a mother, and what kind of life you really want.

These questions are helpful for everyone –

If you’re happy where you are in your journey, reflecting on the questions will deepen your convictions to the thoughts you have about motherhood.

For those who find themselves struggling in their motherhood or maybe their grandmotherhood, these questions are a step-by-step guide to help you uncover your desires and dreams. The are the beginning steps to implement those desires dreams

Uncover and choose the thoughts that will empower you with positive feelings. Then you can work towards your goals with confidence rather than with feelings of defeat.

Finally, I’m here as a wife of 37 years, mother of 7, grandmother of 15 to tell you – without hesitation and with complete confidence – you can’t live a magnificent motherhood on your own strength.

Where do we find our strength?

It isn’t in wine.

It isn’t in complaining to our friends.

It isn’t in excessive indulgent self care.

It is in God.

I am the vine you are the branches John 15: 5-8

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

Again, don’t forget to go HERE to find the path to Reimagine Your Motherhood.

Happy Mother’s Day to all my beautiful moms young and old.  I’m so happy you’re on this journey with me.

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