What You’ll Hear in This Episode
Every few years they come out with a new study that tells us that in order to have well-adjusted, happy children they need a certain amount of positive interactions for every negative interaction with us.
Sometimes the amount is 5:1 sometimes 10:1
I’m thinking do we really need a study to tell us that children are happier when we’re not always correcting or criticizing them?
What Kind of Boss Would You Prefer?
Would you rather work for a boss who criticized you all the time or one who encouraged you in positive directions?
The 2nd disturbing aspect to these studies is that it is assumed that parents need to be reminded to be kind to their children.
And maybe some do.
And that makes my heart hurt.
Here’s What Children Need
Children need to feel safe, feel valued, and feel loved.
If you have to count the number of positive interactions, then I can guarantee you they are too few.
Parenting is hard but let’s not forget the feeling we had when we first held them and looked into their eyes.
Remind yourself of that feeling often.
Look them in the eyes. Smile, hug, kiss them, encourage them, correct the with love, and be present to them.
Your children are a gift.
Let them know often how much you love them.
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