Marriage Mindset Parenting

Monday Mindset – Living with Intention

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What You’ll Hear in This Episode

Ep 62 – Monday Mindset – Being Intentional

Being intentional in our lives is living with a conscious or deliberate path.

It’s making the decisions about who you want to be and how you want to live BEFORE life happens and drags you through the day.

When we’re not living with intention, we go through the motions of the day feeling like we’re running behind, can’t catch our breath and don’t achieving any particular goals for the day or for our life.

Then we go to bed – stressed, dissatisfied, sometimes feeling like a failure – and we begin the process all over again the next day.

The days go by

The months and years go by

And still we find ourselves dissatisfied with where we are and how we show up.

Living with Intention Requires Planning

Living with intention requires planning – but you can start out simple.

On Sunday night, put on your calendar all the appointments for the week – include grocery shopping and must do errands.

Schedule family meals together – make that a no compromise appointment – whether it’s dinner or breakfast which works for some families, schedule the time your family will be together for ½ hr as many days as possible – every night is the goal.

Commit to a daily pickup and cleaning routine that includes every person in the house.

You can check out some cleaning routine options at

Put the cleaning on the calendar for the week – even if you have delegated daily chores to children, put it on the calendar as the immediate afterschool activity – before your children do anything else.

By being intentional with the upkeep of our home in daily pickup and weekly chores we provide for ourselves and our family an environment which supports all aspects of creating a happy family.

Without Intention We Become Overwhelmed

Without intentionality in the way we keep our home, we easily get overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed because of our home environment – which drags every aspect our life down.

Be intentional in your relationships.

When Michael came home from work, I would greet him with a kiss and hug and he would have my undivided attention.

He was able to tell me about work, and I was able to give him a daily recap.

It was our time – and the children knew not to disturb us.

Being intentional in our relationships with our children means making sure they have our undivided attention when they need it.

It means taking time each day to listen to them – we homeschooled so we had all day together.

If your children go to school, make sure to spend time one-on-one making eye contact, asking them about their day, not being satisfied with one word answers like “fine, ok, or nothing” when you ask them about their day.

Look at your day as an opportunity to set work and personal goals.

Write them down – plan for it – as Benjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”. 

Watch how your life will change when live with intention.

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