Marriage Parenting

Monday Mindset: Life is a Mosaic

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What You’ll Hear

Life is a mosaic. If you look closely, you just see individual tiles.

But when you step back you see a beautiful work of art

Life is full of joys and sorrows, disappointments and celebrations, fear and confidence, challenges and successes.

And all those moments, all those times of intense feelings are a separate tile in our life.

And what holds all those tiles together?

 Patience, Generosity, and Faith

It’s the human temptation to focus on the negatives of our life – on the small square tiles that brought us challenges, disappointments, or sorrows.

Step back –

See how the struggles and joys of relationships and the happy and challenging moments of your life have created this beautiful mosaic.

And challenge yourself – as I challenge myself – to work on the mortar holding those pieces together – developing more patience, cultivating more generosity, and living with more faith.

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