Mindset: You Are Enough

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What You’ll Hear:

Monday Mindset

Do you struggle with not being enough?

Do you think you’re not kind enough, smart enough, pretty enough or good enough?

Somewhere along the way someone or maybe many people felt free to tell us we were not enough.

And we believed them.

When you have marital issues, is your thought, “I’m not a good enough wife?”

Do you think, “I’m not a good enough mom” when your children misbehave?

When you see all the curated social media accounts, do you forget they’re curated and instead think, “I’m not pretty enough?”

We All Struggle with Being Enough

I think on some level, we all struggle with not being enough in some way.

Me included.

And yet, in my heart, I know that God made me enough.

He made me all I need to be.

He gave me gifts and talents that that are meant to share with my world – my friends and family.

We’re not perfect – but that doesn’t mean we’re not enough.

Today, embrace the woman God made you to be.

Know that you will make mistakes.

Recognize that others have talents that you might not have – and that’s ok.

And if others judge you, that’s their problem.

You ARE Enough

Be quiet with the Lord.

He made you to be all that you need to be – enough.

Rather than finding your faults, embrace and share your many gifts.

Our value is not determined by comparing ourselves to others.

Our value is decided by God.

And He made you and me enough for the life He gave us.

We are more than enough – we just need to stop telling ourselves otherwise.