Faith Life

Mary, Our Model of Trust

Mary, Jesus' Mother #catholicmotherhood #catholicfaith
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What You’ll Hear in This Episode:

During this time of Lent, I often think about Jesus’ mother, Mary.

I think about the conflicting thoughts and feelings she must have had about his life.

It is widely understood that she was educated enough to understand the angel Gabriel and his message to her at the Annunciation.

They lived a quiet, private life for 30 years and then at her instigation – at her request of his first miracle at the wedding feast of Cana – her son was thrust into His public life.

Obviously, she knew he could perform the miracle, or she wouldn’t have embarrassed Him by asking something of him that he could not do.

Mary Trusts Again and Again

And yet, she followed God’s will and asked him to begin his public life – even when he protested it wasn’t his time.

“Do whatever he tells you.” Insisting he move forward.

And once her request thrust him into public life, she walked the path to the crucifixion with him.

Can you even imagine the faith required to walk that path?

To believe, firmly, the purpose of the cross – and that his suffering was not in vain?

Sometimes, it’s hard to identify with the suffering of Jesus because it is just so much.

But, surely as women we can identify with empathy and compassion, the suffering of his mother.

Trusting When It’s Difficult

To watch the suffering and not be able to do anything about it.

Witness the injustice and be unable to correct it.

Realize that you are unable to control what people think and how they treat those I love.

To find the strength to witness the scourging, hear the jeers and betrayals, see the blood and exhaustion, stand at the foot of the cross and experience the complete and total giving and be able to say, “Thy will be done.”

Thy Will be Done.

God’s will be done.

Jesus, I trust that what I see in my life isn’t everything.

Jesus I trust that YOU will take care of me and my family.

Jesus I trust that you can do great things with my life and the life of my family in spite of our frailties.

That’s what his mother did.

She trusted.

Trust God with All Our Difficulties

If she can trust God with His will during the crucifixion and death of her son, how much more can we trust God with our crosses-

Money shortages

Loss of job

Marriage issues

Young children who don’t listen or respect their parents as they should

Older children who have left the faith

Our own fear

One of the last things Jesus said on the cross was, “Behold your mother”.  It was a universal call to all of us – not just to John.

Seek out Mary’s Intercession

May we seek her out in prayer  –

Mary, who me the way to accepting God’s will.

Help me to be free of fear.

Help me to believe that whatever cross or crosses I have in this world, will bring me closer to your Son and more identified with the will of God.

And teach me to stand by those I love – my husband, my children, my friends – who are experiencing crushing crosses.

Let me love them with steadfast faith, empathy, tenderness, and a firm supportive trust that you showed at the foot of the cross.

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