
Five Keys to a Successful Marriage

long marriage
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Grab the “Five Keys to a Successful Marriage” PDF here.

What You’ll Hear in This Episode

The greatest misconception about marriage is that we all know what we’re getting ourselves into! 

No one can possibly know the joys and challenges of an endeavor that they are experiencing for the first time. 

To say that ‘if it was meant to be’ it won’t be hard is totally false.  It is hard.  It’s also the most fulfilling, life-changing, life-giving experience I have ever had. 

And please don’t be fooled into thinking that only marriages without serious issues last forever. 

The marriages that last forever are the ones where the couples work hard to grow in holiness, forgiveness, and charity for the other.  Sometimes that’s a huge ask when a spouse has terribly damaged the relationship. So, after 36 years of marriage, here’s the cheat sheet I wished I’d had on how to have a happy, long marriage.

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