
Encouraging Respect and Affection for Dads

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What You’ll Hear:

As women, it’s not uncommon to get a little territorial about our children’s affection.

We become Mama Bears – protecting our little ones from everything and everybody.  Sometimes, without knowing it, even putting a distance between our children and their father.

It’s a great gift to our children to teach them to respect and have affection for their father.

Often men get so caught up in the difficult struggles of their job, supporting their family, and living in a world that constantly challenges them that they forget to be affectionate.

Their hearts might not appear to be as tender as ours, but affection and tenderness is there and just needs a sweet little face to prod the door open.

Be that gift to your husband.  Show affection to him so that your children see the tenderness between you two and encourage them to show affection as well.

Habits of Affection

Make it a habit to give hello and goodbye kisses and hugs.

Prompt your children to take Daddy’s hand when you’re out and about.

Encourage small children to sit in his lap while reading or watching a movie.

All are signs of affection that will increase the bond between your husband and your child.

And always demand that they show respect to their dad.

We Model Respect and Affection for Our Children

Of course, this will require that YOU always show respect to your husband.

If out of habit you are disrespectful to your husband, this is a serious matter that you need to attend to immediately.

Our children, when grown, will model the behavior they see in us.

If we are not affectionate or disrespectful to each other, they will live the same way as adults.

And that’s not a happy life – for either our grown child or their spouse.

Create a home of mutual respect and affection.  It is the “secret weapon” to happy families.

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