
Virtue & Discipline

Parenting Virtue & Discipline

Teaching Children to be Generous

generous children

What You’ll Hear in Episode 5: Teaching Children to be Generous Generosity is a combination of action and cheerfulness We can be generous in mind and spirit, as well as generous in material possessions Children are not ‘born generous’ They often need to learn to see the needs of others Maturity helps children identify their gifts and how they can contribute to others’ happiness How to teach children…

Parenting Virtue & Discipline

How to Teach Your Child to Be Honest

child being honest

For this Mama, one of the most important responsibilities I had was to teach my children to be honest. I knew that someday, my sweet little toddlers with their angel-face smiles would grow up to be teenagers who had to decide to leave a party because there was alcohol or make a decision to take the answers that were being passed around to a particularly hard test. Someday…

Parenting Virtue & Discipline

How to Nurture Courage in Your Children

courage children #nurturecourageinyourchildren #bravechildren

Does your child have courage?  Can your child persevere without giving up even when they are faced with difficult situations?  Can your child – even your young children – set a goal and work hard to achieve it, or do they give up thinking they just cannot do something?  Do you know how to nurture courage in your children? I have seen many children who are naturally able…

Home Management Homemaking 101 Parenting Virtue & Discipline

How to Teach Your Child to Be Neat and Tidy

child's neat and tidy bedroom #howtoteachyourchildtobeneat #organizedchildren

I have good news for the overwhelmed moms who feel like they are constantly picking up and the only one responsible for keeping their homes tidy. Here’s how to teach your child to be neat and tidy from a very young age that will not only enhance the peace and tranquility of the home, but will also create an orderly adult in the process.  Neat, orderly, and organized…

Home Management Parenting Virtue & Discipline

Raising Self-Sufficient Children

Child buttoning his own shirt #independentchildren #teachingchildrenindependence

I’m not sure when the whole notion of doing everything for your child began, but it has been devastating to the last couple of generations.  It used to be that raising self-sufficient children was the goal.  Now it seems to be “mean”. In generations past, children were not only self-sufficient – taking care of themselves – they also took care of the farm animals, went to work at…

Parenting Virtue & Discipline

Teaching Your Children Respect in Family Life

Teaching your children respect in family life

Teaching your children the habit of respect is one of the most important virtues you can nurture in them.  As with all virtues, children don’t come out of the womb naturally living respect. The home is the ideal place to help your children learn how to respect people of all ages.  For family life to run smoothly, we need to care of the emotional environment of our homes.…