

Mindset Parenting

How Do We Make Our Children Feel?

Children and emotions #whatwesaytokids

What You’ll Hear: Children are so vulnerable.  We forget that they aren’t adults and they don’t hear things as adults nor process our words as maybe an adult might. What we say communicates our thoughts to our children.  They believe those thoughts mainly because they haven’t had enough experience nor maturity to disbelieve them. When we say things like, “I can’t believe you screwed that up again!” What’s…

Faith Life Mindset Parenting Self Care

Mindset: You Are Enough

mom not feeling enough #motherhoodmindest #youareenough

What You’ll Hear in This Episode Do you struggle with not being enough? Do you think you’re not kind enough, pretty enough, smart enough, or just not good enough? Somewhere along the way someone or maybe many people felt free to tell us we were not enough. And we believed them. When you have marital issues, is your thought, “I’m not a good enough wife?” Do you think,…

Faith Life Home Management Marriage Mindset Parenting

Persistence Not Perfection

perfectionism #persistencenotperfection

What You’ll Hear For all you perfectionists out there (me included)….this one is for you. And for all you out there who are bugged by perfectionists, I think you’re going to like this reflection as well. Whether we’re talking about weight loss, house-keeping, long term marriage, discipline of our children, or even our prayer life, The key to success is persistence not perfection. We all know, at some…


How to Get Your Child to Listen

child listening to mother #howtogetyourchildtolisten

What You’ll Hear: Many years ago when we had 6 children under the age of 8, we dropped them off at my parents so Michael and I could go out for a few hours. When we went to go pick them up, my dad met us at the door and told me, “I don’t count.” I asked him what he meant, and he explained to me that when…

Mindset Parenting Self Care

Solving the Problem of Overwhelm

What You’ll Hear: Have you ever noticed that you can always make time for what you really want to do, but when you don’t want to do something you say, “I don’t have enough time?” Like sitting down for 15 minutes and reading a book to your children. Do you take time to make plans for you and your husband to actually go out, without children, and enjoy…

Home Management Parenting

The Joy of Delegating

What You’ll Hear I’d like to suggest that today you make the decision that you can’t and shouldn’t do it all and that delegating chores to your children will change the tone of your home. Your home should not depend only on you to keep it running smoothly. We do a great disservice to our children if we don’t help them understand very early in their life, that…


Becoming Friends with Your Children

What You’ll Hear: Friend:  one attached to another by affection or esteem We can’t just hope our children will want to be friends with us, we need to nurture how to be a friend and hold out that expectation for them. There are a couple of clear moments in my life with my mom. One was when I was in 4th grade and I came home from school.…

Mindset Parenting

The Power of Encouragement

mother encouraging child

Encouraging Those Around Us I think that, as mothers, we are so focused on the tasks that need to get done, that we often neglect the importance of the forming of the people we are entrusted with. And maybe, again, it’s the urgent that grabs our attention rather than the important. All the things that must be done to get through the day.  We don’t stop to do…

Faith Life Marriage Parenting

How to Love

valentines #love

Resources: John 13:34 “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” Subscribe and Review I am honored to share thoughts, prayers, and practical tips with you through the “Finding Joy in Motherhood” podcast. One of the best ways you can show your support is to subscribe to the show and leave a review.…

Faith Life Parenting

For This I Prayed

motherhood and prayers

I think we often pray for what we hope and dream for, but when God answers our prayers, it’s harder than we expected. Our job is to remember how much we valued what we didn’t have. Rather than getting caught up in the trials and tribulations of the day, let’s try to frequently rise up 10,000 feet and look at our life. Let’s see the blessings that we…