


What Love Language Do You Speak?

happy married couple #5lovelanguages #communicationinmarriage

We all have particular ways to communicate with each other. Sometimes we communicate with clear, precise words. Other times just a look will tell everyone what we’re thinking! In marriage, the way we communicate our love to our husband and the way we need love communicated to us is critical to identify and understand. And it can be a game-changer in a marriage. If you haven’t heard about…


How Expectations are Killing Your Marriage

Marriage expectations

The expectations we hold about marriage and family life are often the number one reason many marriages fail. We come to our marriage relationship with certain experiences both in the world and within our family of origin that we often believe to be “true, right” – not recognizing them as merely experiences of ours.  We’ll each have expectations of how, as a couple, we’ll spend our money, our…


After the Wedding, Remain His Bride First

bride and groom in love

When I first met my husband, he introduced me to one of his law professors who had been married for many years. He referred to his own wife as “my bride”.  They were in their 50’s and had a 30+ year marriage. I thought that was such a lovely way to describe your wife – kind of nostalgic, tenderly, lovely.  I hoped in our marriage Michael would always…