


The Husband Manual

Husaband cleaning

What You’ll Hear in This Episode On our wedding day, many of us came to our marriage with expectations – our book of instructions for our husband about the kind of husband he is supposed to be -what he is supposed to think, do, and say: The Husband Manual. The Husband Manual We had a chapter on how he was supposed to help out with household chores-how he…


How to Argue with Your Husband

What You’ll Hear Arguing – disagreeing is one of the greatest skills we learn in marriage – or maybe don’t learn which then often results in divorce. The first year of our marriage we argued what seemed like constantly. He was a philosophy major in his 3rd year of law school. He knew the “art of the argument” I was an elementary education major completely in touch with…


Your Husband is Not God

What You’ll Hear Your husband is not God. He can’t control what happens in life and sometimes the most important things are completely out of his control. He can’t always make everything right. Your husband isn’t always going to be perfect or understanding or patient. And sometimes, he may just be too tired or stressed to let you know how much he loves you. That’s the time he…

Marriage Parenting

Words Matter

What You’ll Hear Although St. Mother Teresa was a quiet nun living in a community of other sisters in the middle of the poorest of the poor of Calcutta India, she had an amazing amount of wisdom for the family. One piece of advice is so simple and yet so powerful. “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” Words Matter…

Marriage Parenting

Monday Mindset: Life is a Mosaic

What You’ll Hear Life is a mosaic. If you look closely, you just see individual tiles. But when you step back you see a beautiful work of art Life is full of joys and sorrows, disappointments and celebrations, fear and confidence, challenges and successes. And all those moments, all those times of intense feelings are a separate tile in our life. And what holds all those tiles together?…

Marriage Parenting

4 Keys to Effective Communication in Your Family

communication in marriage #effectuvecommunication

What You’ll Hear in This Episode: Be Clear and Concise About the Issue        Don’t whine, nag, or complain        Be factual about the specific issue        Seek resolution rather than just an airing of complaints Listen        When communicating with your spouse, ask him what he thinks about the specific issue and listen without arguing or interrupting        He is entitled to his opinion even if it…


Marriage is About Becoming

How to have a happy marriage #happymarriages #christianmarriage

What You’ll Hear in This Episode We do a great disservice to young engaged couples when we focus on the wedding and not the marriage. So many couples think that if they have arguments or stop getting along, they should call it quits and find another. They give up before they really even begin. But for all of us who have been married for a while, we understand…

Marriage Mindset Parenting

Monday Mindset – Living with Intention

Schedules for Moms

What You’ll Hear in This Episode Ep 62 – Monday Mindset – Being Intentional Being intentional in our lives is living with a conscious or deliberate path. It’s making the decisions about who you want to be and how you want to live BEFORE life happens and drags you through the day. When we’re not living with intention, we go through the motions of the day feeling like…

Marriage Mindset

Thoughts and Truth

husband and wife talking #marriageadvice #christianmarriage

What You’ll Hear in this Episode: Marriage – don’t decide his thoughts for him. We get into so much conflict because we decide what our spouse is thinking, then we hold onto all the negative feelings about those thoughts. More often than not, our spouse is not thinking the worst of us or of the situation like we believe he is. If you’re not sure what his thoughts…