
Faith Life

Faith Life Marriage Parenting Self Care

Respecting Life

Mommy and Baby #prolife #respectinglife #sanctityoflife

If we don’t see our own children as precious and gifts from God, then we contribute to a culture that believes children are expendable. Subscribe and Review I am honored to share thoughts, prayers, and practical tips with you through the “Finding Joy in Motherhood” podcast. One of the best ways you can show your support is to subscribe to the show and leave a review. When you…

Faith Life Parenting

Introducing Your Child to Their Best Friend

Jesus and children #catholic #christianity #teachingJesustochildren

Our main job, as mothers, is to get our children to heaven.We fulfill this important mission by introducing our children to their best friend, Jesus.We nurture a friendship between Jesus and our children by instilling a deepening love for Him through many aspects in our day and in the mindset with which we approach Jesus. Subscribe and Review I am honored to share thoughts, prayers, and practical tips…

Faith Life Parenting Self Care

The Heroic Minute


Like a soldier ready for the battlefield -and what mom doesn’t sometimes feel like life is a battlefield – getting up in the morning on time will help you be ready for the day and all it can throw at you, as well as give you peace of mind and soul. Resources: “The Way”, St. Josemaria Escriva – Pt 206 Subscribe and Review I am honored to share…

Faith Life Marriage Parenting Self Care

Your Mother’s Heart

a mother's heart

As women and mothers we each have different personalities, different ways of interacting with the world and our families, different hopes and dreams, and different roads to walk in our motherhood. But what we all have in common is our mother’s heart. Resources: St. Thérèse of Lisieux Subscribe and Review I am honored to share thoughts, prayers, and practical tips with you through the “Finding Joy in Motherhood”…

Faith Life Podcast Episodes Self Care

Reflection – Daily Prayer


Your exterior life is a direct reflection of your interior life. Adding daily prayer will take away the overwhelm and bring you peace and a sense of calm. When you’re calm on the inside, it’s so much easier to deal with the exterior challenges that women face today. Resources: St. Josemaria Escriva, “The Way” #304 Subscribe and Review I am honored to share thoughts, prayers, and practical tips…

Faith Life Parenting

Prayer Will Change Your Motherhood

mother praying #prayerinmotherhood #christianmotherhood #catholicfaith

As a parenting and homeschooling coach, so many moms I deal with are looking for the “magic bullet” – the “thing” that will help their children be obedient, keep the home running smoothly, and take them from daily tears to enjoying their motherhood.  After we discuss the issues they’re dealing with in their home and work through some practical steps to implement, I often ask if they are…

Faith Life

Why Do Catholics Love Mary, Mother of Jesus?

Mary with Jesus #MarymotherofJesus #Blessedmother

As we prepare to celebrate Mother’s day, I wanted to reflect on why, as a Catholic, I love the Blessed Mother of Jesus and how she helps me become a better mother, and daughter of God.  Accepting God’s Will After asking the angel Gabriel how it was possible that she would bring the Savior into the world, Mary’s immediate response to the angel Gabriel was, “Behold, I am…

Faith Life Mindset Self Care

Will You Allow Lent to Change You?

woman praying in church #st.josemariaescriva #lent #prayerinlent

It’s that time of year when Lent is approaching and the familiar question of, “What are you giving up for Lent?” is asked.  Chocolate, sweets, snacks, desserts, tv, social media, etc. are all common answers. While ‘giving up’ something that we love is a good sacrifice, maybe a better question to ask is, “How will you allow Lent to change you?”  Certainly, giving up something we love will…

Faith Life Self Care

What Does Your Christmas To Do List Look Like?

Stressed out mom at Christmas #stressoutmom #theimportanceoffaith

As the holidays approach, is your Christmas to do list getting longer?  It can become overwhelming… Menus to plan Gifts to purchase Groceries to purchase Pick out and purchase a tree – not just any tree – the perfect tree Decorate the house – inside and out! Cookie baking and traditions to fulfill Travel plans to make ….and a new outfit to purchase this year – like every…

Faith Life Parenting

The Spiritual Environment of Your Home

the spiritual environment of your home

The spiritual environment of your home is an essential pillar for a bright and cheerful, happy and joy-filled home.  Bringing faith alive in our homes is what brings peace and joy to all who live there. Two other pillars are: the PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT, and the EMOTIONAL ENVIRONMENT. The Spiritual Dimension of our Marriage Having God at the center of our relationship with our husband is critical to a…