
Faith Life

Faith Life Marriage Mindset Parenting Self Care

Faith & Flexibility in Achieving Your Goals

Achieving your goals

Notes from this episode: In the last episode, I spoke about the importance of goals               Why we need them               How to create them               How to measure whether or not we achieve them In this episode, I want to get real- What happens when you create goals, but the obstacles seem insurmountable in achieving them? What do you do when you’ve carefully crafted a goal and…

Faith Life

Peace – You Can’t Give What You Don’t Have

prayer, the path to peace

Notes From This Episode Getting quiet and reconnecting with Our Creator, God, is an important component in keeping our peace. They say that “Be not afraid” or “Fear Not” is in the bible 365 times – I don’t know if that’s true, but it’s enough to know that Jesus referred to not being afraid many, many times. But we can’t depend simply on ourselves to not be afraid.…

Faith Life

Take Up Your Cross

take up our cross

What You’ll Hear in this Episode Christ. We are reminded that God sent His son to suffer and die for us so that we may have eternal life. In the Catholic church, we have a custom of processing up the aisle, and venerate the crucifix. As we behold the corpus, or body of Christ, on the crucifix and kiss his feet or hands, we remember Jesus’ own words…

Faith Life

The Strength of Women

What You’ll Hear in This Episode As I record this episode, we are ending the season of Lent and beginning the triduum of Our Lord where we remember the last supper, the crucifixion and death of Jesus, and ultimately the resurrection of Jesus. And this time of year reaffirms my role, as a woman, in God’s redemptive mission.  It reminds me of how confidently and fiercely God depends…

Faith Life

Spring Cleaning For Your Soul

spring cleaning #prayerlife

What You’ll Hear: Last week-end, I cleaned out my closet. It’s something that truthfully I’ve been thinking of doing for, well, a couple of years (ok, maybe more) It’s out of sight out of mind so I never remember that I actually need to do it until it’s early in the morning when I’ve already begun my todo list – and it’s not on it. Or late in…

Faith Life

Mary, Our Model of Trust

Mary, Jesus' Mother #catholicmotherhood #catholicfaith

What You’ll Hear in This Episode: During this time of Lent, I often think about Jesus’ mother, Mary. I think about the conflicting thoughts and feelings she must have had about his life. It is widely understood that she was educated enough to understand the angel Gabriel and his message to her at the Annunciation. They lived a quiet, private life for 30 years and then at her…

Faith Life Marriage Self Care

Seek to Forgive

Forgiveness in Marriage

Subscribe and Review I am honored to share thoughts, prayers, and practical tips with you through the “Finding Joy in Motherhood” podcast. One of the best ways you can show your support is to subscribe to the show and leave a review. When you subscribe, new episodes are automatically downloaded to your phone which helps show Apple and other players the kind of content people want. It also…

Faith Life Marriage Parenting Self Care

Don’t Deny Your Genius

What You’ll Find in This Episode Have you always wanted to be a genius? Guess what? In 1995, Pope St. John Paul the II identified women as possessing the feminine genius Not in the,”I can figure out that Rubix cube in 30 seconds” type of genius But in the peculiar, distinctive, or identifying character or spirit kind of way. It is in the very nature of who we…

Faith Life Self Care

The Spirit of Detachment

What You’ll Hear in This Episode: Have you heard the phrase, “You can’t take it with you?” It reminds us clearly that what we sometimes think is important in life – our family, friends, possessions, status, what we did yesterday or what we’ll do tomorrow is in the end not important. Detachment means separating from or withdrawing from something. The spirit of detachment doesn’t mean that we don’t…

Faith Life Mindset Parenting Self Care

Mindset: You Are Enough

mom not feeling enough #motherhoodmindest #youareenough

What You’ll Hear in This Episode Do you struggle with not being enough? Do you think you’re not kind enough, pretty enough, smart enough, or just not good enough? Somewhere along the way someone or maybe many people felt free to tell us we were not enough. And we believed them. When you have marital issues, is your thought, “I’m not a good enough wife?” Do you think,…