Marriage Parenting

4 Keys to Effective Communication in Your Family

communication in marriage #effectuvecommunication
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What You’ll Hear in This Episode:

Be Clear and Concise About the Issue

       Don’t whine, nag, or complain

       Be factual about the specific issue

       Seek resolution rather than just an airing of complaints


       When communicating with your spouse, ask him what he thinks about the specific issue and listen without arguing or interrupting

       He is entitled to his opinion even if it isn’t the same as yours.

       If your spouse disagrees with your assessment of a situation, seek compromise.

Be Empathetic

Empathy is understanding, being sensitive to the feelings the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another.

We often have in our mind how things should go and what people should do, but we don’t stop to look at life from their view.

When we practice empathy – whether with our husband or our children, we give ourselves the opportunity for more connection with them and for growth in our own generosity.

Let it Go

       Don’t hold on or bring up past resentments.

       Discuss and move on.

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